I am so excited about these boots! They are HOT, with a capital H, O and T! I started seeing the ‘Over the Knee Boot’ more and more a few weeks ago. I had a pair of knee high boots which were ruined on a trip to Japan about a year ago now, I decided I wasn’t going to replace them because I didn’t feel all that keen on knee high boot. While they served me very well in Japan in the freezing cold weather I didn’t feel enough love for them in general. But the ‘Over the Knee Boot’ is a total different story! All I can say is HOT! I love how they go over the knee, well dahh... hence the name! But they sit at such a great height, and when worn with a short dress/skirt/shorts they show just a few inches of leg and look amazing, well, on models anyway, not so much me! I tried on a few leather pairs and liked them, but then I found these suede ones in Betts which I liked more. They’re not real leather so they won’t last me as long but the suede is such a richer black and I think they are more wintery than the leather. And because the facric is a bit more floppy than the leather, if I'm in a ‘Knee High Boot’ mood, I can fold the top over and scrunch them down and there you have your knee high!

I did pick up a few more things this weekend. I saw this floral tunic on Sportsgirl.com.au last week and adored it, I really like the way it’s styled in this picture, it’s really quite cute. So now I just have to get a boyfriend blazer and a pair of pattered stockings! It’s a bit of a funny fit but I really liked the print and it’s nothing a big belt can’t fix!

I went a bit Sportsgirl mad this weekend actually, I also picked up this vintage looking cardigan, and wait for it, it has shoulder pads? Now, I know 80’s fashion is in, and I do have a few tops with big, puffy sleeves but I just don’t know if I can go as far as shoulder pads? I’m still deciding whether to keep them in or cut them out? If I’m in a real vintage mood, I could wear this with the floral tunic, they look quite nice together and I love the idea of mixing different prints and textures.
And a couple of accessories, an embellished headband, which I loved so much, I didn’t even bother looking at the price and I still don’t know how much it cost! And you know I love bold jewellery so I couldn't go past this necklace....and again quite vintage looking.
Speaking of jewellery, I really love big rings and I had an awesome thought last week. I’d like collect 7 rings, one for every day of the week. They have to be decent quality so no plastic or fake stones, so it won’t be happening overnight but hopefully within the next couple of years. I have one and I already have my eye on a big fat pearl one from Mimco, my wedding anniversary is coming up next month (so Mark if you’re reading this... HINT HINT)! I’ve also been thinking lately that a gold watch would be nice for when I wear other gold jewellery, I only have a silver one at the moment so when I wear gold I don’t wear a watch and I’m constantly looking at my bare wrist for the time! So, I guess this is a bit of a wishlist update!
I feel so much better after my shop this weekend. Late last week I was feeling strange, I had the most enormous urge to want to shop and now I feel revitalised! I have however, realised I have a lot of clothes in my wardrobe to get through this winter so I won’t be buying much more. I think I’ll be concentrating on books and homewares! But, maybe a few items of clothing here and there, I have my eye on an oversized man-style shirt/dress and I really want something leather, and at the moment I’m thinking a leather vest! And also tops, I had a major top meltdown on Monday, I have none! And I couldn’t find one to buy anywhere, I didn’t like anything, it was so frustrating and then I found one, but they didn’t have my darn size. I felt like screaming in the middle of the shop, but I thought it would be slightly embarrassing so I had to hold it in.
That’s all from me for now!
P.S. I know I was really lazy this time with taking photos, sometimes it’s so much effort! You have to take the picture, usually a few times until you get a snap you like, then load in onto the computer, then sometimes do some photoshopping (depending on how lazy you are that day), then upload it and put in the descriptions, tags, etc, etc, then put it into the post. So it does take a lot of effort! I will be better in future though! And I also just realised I have used a lot of exclamation marks!! This is a bit of a lazy post and not my best, so please forgive me.
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